Friday, June 6, 2014

Lyme: Hoping Is Part Of Healing

Happy Friday!!

*****I've added this little video for some background music cause I LOVE this song! Please enjoy it while reading this post :)

I can't believe how much love my blog has been getting! I feel so overwhelmed and full of gratitude for this. My goal is to reach out to others and give them hope. And I feel like it's starting to happen! So thank you all for that!!

After I had created my group on FB, I've talked with some wonderful people! All kinds of people. Most of them with Lyme, but some with other chronic health issues and it has truly made me realize some things. It made me realize a couple things about Lyme that I feel needs to be shared. And this just doesn't have to apply to Lyme Disease either. This can apply to life in general.

Some of the MOST crucial points when having Lyme are, you have to WANT to be better. You have to KNOW you can do it. You have to CHANGE your way of LIFE and your way of THINKING. If you don't want it, don't feel you can do it or constantly negative, it will not happen. You will not get better. I am not saying this to offend anyone, so please don't think that :) I'm saying this because it's true and it's from personal experience. Our attitudes have so much to do with our journey here on earth. If we want to be healed and have hope, it will be worth it and it will amaze you what you will learn throughout your journey.

Years ago when I was constantly getting sick and seeing many different Doctors, I started getting frustrated, angry, bitter, etc. I could not understand why Doctors could not help me. The one person who is supposed to help you when you're sick, couldn't help me. And it wasn't just one Doctor. It was several after several. I remember I started becoming negative, not always out loud, but in my mind. I'd have thoughts of never getting better, never knowing what was really wrong with me or if it was maybe just all in my mind. Part of me at times thought maybe I was going crazy. But deep down I knew this wasn't right. There were nights I would lie in bed crying so hard I couldn't breathe. And I would pray to our Heavenly Father for peace and comfort. I would pray that I would wake up the next morning. And guess what? I would. No matter how miserable I felt the night before or how much crying I had done or how angry I was, I would always wake up the next day. That alone gave me hope. Don't get me wrong, this journey is a real struggle most days. But after years of going through what I had, to learning all about natural/holistic treatments and healing, I have more hope and faith now than ever before.

There comes a point in our lives when we are suffering and we wonder why we have to deal with this. Why us? If  we are constantly thinking the negative and asking why me, it's time to switch our thinking to better our lives. Instead of asking why me or feeling like a victim, ask questions like, "What am I to learn from these trials?" I know this can be very hard to switch the way you think, but it can also be very simple and life changing. I've been there before and have personally experienced some of the most incredible blessings and changes in my life.

If we go to bed thinking negative thoughts like, "Oh great, tomorrow is going to be another crappy day", "I'm going to feel terrible tomorrow", "nothing will be different", or "I'm never going to get better"... Surprise!! You are correct. What we think is what we get. It's called the Law of Attraction. People need to be more aware of their thoughts and actions. Negative thoughts brings negativity. Positive thoughts bring more positive. Some of you may wonder what this has to do with healing Lyme. Well, it actually has to do a lot. Thinking that you'll never get better will do nothing for you, but make you feel worse. If we strive to have hope, faith and be positive about our healing, you'll see a world of difference. I can promise you this. I won't lie, there are times where I still struggle. There are some days when I just can't do it. I can't take it. But I have to remember to change my way of thinking and not get stuck in those thoughts because I have to look at how far I've come already. I may not be where I want to be physically, but I know that having faith in my Heavenly Father, my Savior, and being positive, I can overcome anything.

Everyone has been given a divine plan and purpose on this earth. Whether we wan't to believe it or not, I testify that this is true. I know part of my plan was to have Lyme and all these other illnesses for a reason. Some of those reasons are to help others. I've not only learned things for myself as to why I've been dealt the trials and tribulations I have, but I've learned that most of my trials are for other people. Without Lyme and all the other health problems I've had, I would not be where I am today. I wouldn't have found my true passion in life to help heal others, to become a Foot Zoner, to love energy work, be married to the most amazing husband in the entire world and I wouldn't have come to love Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ the way I do now. My love for them is beyond words.My faith has grown so much and it has strengthened me in many, many ways. Knowing that no matter the struggle or no matter how hard my day is, I have someone there for me always. I know I still have a long road ahead of me, but I also know there are blessings in store and I won't stop fighting. I hope and pray for all of you who suffer from anything can find that hope is part of healing. Without hope, what do we have? Nothing. Stay positive, be grateful always and remember where there is hope, there is a way.

Things to Remember:
*Create a positive environment
*Use affirmations in your healing process: "I am healing", "I can overcome _____", "I am strong"
*Find support groups (Like my blog and FB page;))
*Let people around you be aware of what you are going through
*Pray Pray Pray - You are loved and you are heard. You are never alone and our nobody understands    better than our Savior.
*Keep your faith
*Never lose hope

~Thanks again to all of you who are following and being a part of my journey ~



  1. You're such an inspiration! I just can't believe how positive you are, and it really rubs off! It really is all about how we handle what we have been dealt in this life. I just love you so much!

  2. Aw, Melissa!!! You just made my day!! I just love you so much too! I can't thank you enough for being there for me and for all you have done!!!
