Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 3: Values for your body

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

So today was a lot more tougher than yesterday and way more emotional that I had hoped for. So bare with me in my videos. This is something that is totally out of my comfort zone and it is so scary for me to do this. But I've had strong promptings that this is something that I need to do so I will continue to keep doing so.

I Love My Body Diet so far has been amazing for me. I've already seen/felt shifts and have had some awesome experiences with it. I can't thank Jennifer Lamprey enough for being so inspiring to everyone around her and dedicating so much of her time to help people heal! I have two different videos today, just because my phone stopped half way through and I didn't want to restart again :)

There has been a lot of emotional processing since I have started this journey, but I am so ready for it and I can't wait to see the changes in my life. I hope everyone can find some kind of hope or faith or inspiration from me doing this <3

Loves to all.

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