Friday, April 4, 2014

Wendover, creepy hotels, ER, pure bliss and a costume wedding

It was about the middle of October and my last day at VS was on a Saturday. I got off work early that day so my roommate and I decided to do something fun. We thought it would be a brilliant idea to go to Wendover for the night! We packed our bags and headed out. On the way we stopped at the salt flats and took some pictures.. because A) We had no idea they existed and B) We thought it was sand... I know, sad. Anywho, we enjoyed our little road trip there. We got to our hotel, walked in our room, and thought for sure we would get kidnapped. You can't always trust what the internet says. Don't worry, we didn't get kidnapped, but we probably caught some kind of bad something in that place. We had two beds, but yes.. We just slept in one. The furthest one away from the door. Pretty sure we only slept a few hours that night. Even though we may have been a liiiiiiittle bit scared, it made for a comical weekend.

The next morning we woke up really early so we could leave that little gem as quick as possible. On the way home, I was feeling a bit strange, but didn't think much of it. We got back to our apartment and lounged around until it was time to get ready for church. I went in my bathroom to start getting ready and all of a sudden, I started getting black spots in my vision and felt like passing out. My heart was racing so fast. I sat on the toilet until I could get my sight fully back. My head started feeling all kinds of weird. Something just didn't feel right. I laid on the couch and tried to relax as much as possible. Baily went to church and I just stayed home. I wanted to get better for my new job starting that following day.

I went to bed Sunday night feeling okay. Not real great. I woke up to get ready for work. I was in some pain, but just tried to ignore it. Baily was taking me to work that day and on the way there, my heart started going crazy again with weird pressure in my head and I couldn't focus or function. I knew something was wrong, but didn't know what for sure. Baily took me to the ER and I contacted my new boss and told her what had happened.

The second I got in there and explained what was happening, I was getting more pain in my lower abdomen. It kept getting worse and worse. I didn't know if it was all related or what, but either way, I just wanted it to stop. Once they ran tests and checked everything, they said things seemed fine. However, I had a good sized cyst on my left ovary and there was some kind of fluid or something like that.  They said it may be bursting or they may be more than one that they couldn't see. They told me to just take it easy for a few days and if the pain or heart situation got worse, to come back. I went home with some pain meds and felt so bad for not being able to attend my first day at my new job! My boss was so kind about everything and told me it was no problem at all.

Over the next few days, I just felt extremely exhausted and not with it. My head kept getting strange pressure and I felt really weak. I finally was able to make it to work that following Thursday for my first day of training. I couldn't really tell you anything I learned that day, because I was so out of it and felt so sick that I just kept telling myself, I can make it. The feelings continued for the next few days, but I just tried to push through it.

I was so bummed that my first week at DownEast became that way. I was upset because I hadn't felt that sick in a long time. I didn't want to go that direction again. I just didn't feel myself and just wanted to lay down and rest constantly.

Well, within that same week, Simon, my main squeeze, had kept asking me if we could go out. He knew I had not been feeling good and didn't want to push me. But one day when he got off work he said we were going to go for a quick drive if that was ok. I told him I should be fine to. When he came to my apartment, he was all dressed up. I thought to myself, "what kind of drive are we taking??" I asked him if I should change or anything and he said, "no just wear what you have on". I figured I must have looked reeeeal good in a hot pink sweater with big black, velvet lips on it then. Thanks to VS. ;)

As we were driving, he seemed totally normal. Other than he kept looking at his phone. He said we were just going to go to the Whisper Dome in Draper real quick. He just wanted to show it to me. I was like, okay cool. So we get there and walk into the middle of the Dome and he started explaining what it does and so on. He told me to walk to the other side and face the pillar and he would walk to the other one and we could whisper back and forth. I was like, sweet! So I was facing this pillar, and he started whispering things to me. He asked me if I loved him, how much, etc. This whole time I am still facing the pillar, wondering why the heck am I facing this way??? He asked me if I wanted to marry him some day. Of course I said yes. I wasn't about to say no to the most AMAZING, beautiful man in the world who happens to grow the best facial hair ever. I turned around and there he was on the other side, on one knee with a ring box in his hand. I think I was slightly in shock. I thought, "Is this real life??" "Is he seriously proposing to me right now?" "Oh-em-gee, he is!!!" I walked over to him and I'm pretty sure we had a nice make out session. Who wouldn't?? The ring was beautiful! Very unique, very me. Here, let me just show you a picture.

Well done, Simon, well done.

After we finished kissing, he told me there was a camera hidden somewhere recording everything. And then his brother just popped out of nowhere. It was great. He told me he couldn't wait any longer to propose. He had been so anxious that whole week! He told me he was going to propose to me on that previous Monday, but then I ended up in the ER. After we finished talking we drove back to my place. Of course I immediately told like the whole world I was engaged. That was news this girl was not going to hide. I was engaged to the man of my dreams. Literally.
-October 26th, 2013. Simon proposed to Nicole. One of the happiest days of. my. life.-

Once I finally told everyone the great news and it was passed my bedtime, Simon left for the night. That following week he was going out of the COUNTRY for work. Seriously so sad. We get engaged and he flees the country. To England. I wasn't bitter at all. ;) I was actually happy he was able to go. It was a great opportunity for him and he was able to see some of his family while he was there! So of course I was happy he went. In the mean time, I took off some time from work so I could go to Idaho to my sister's wedding.

For those of you who know my sister, well, who know my family really, know that we don't do things the traditional way. We just love to have fun. :) So, for my sister's wedding, since it was on November 1st, why not make it a Halloween wedding?! It was fabulous. My mom, who's name is Teresa went as Mother Teresa. Nichelle, my sister, and I went as nuns. Jacob, my brother in law, was a Father. And my little sister, Kylie went as a zombie fairy or something like that. Haha. When we got to the venue, almost everyone was dressed up. It was hilarious! We stayed and danced for a while, then headed home. We had a great time and it was so fun to see all my family there being their awesome selves.

I spent the rest of the weekend hanging out with my family. I was staying with my mom so it was nice having it like old times. We met Baily on Sunday,then we headed back to Utah. I was so excited to go home and wait for my fiance to come back!

Thank you everyone for reading and I hope you all have a fabulous night!!  I will continue more tomorrow :)


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