Saturday, February 7, 2015

Day 4: Naked Mirror...

Hey all!

I got a little behind on my videos and blogging. This week I've been super sick so that was the last thing on my mind. I was finally able to get all caught up tonight with 3 more videos.

This first post is about Day 4: Naked Mirror. YIKES, right?! This was an exercise I totally wasn't sure how I would feel about until I did it. After day 4, I realized everyone should probably get naked more and look at themselves in the mirror and say "I AM BEAUTIFUL". Seriously. Everyone needs to do this as often as they can. Naked or not. Learn to love yourself. Keep saying it until you believe it. Words are powerful. Minds are powerful. Create that goodness in your mind and learn to "LET GO" of everything that brings anything less of love and "BE YOU".


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