Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 8: Things you love about YOU - Day 9: The Present - Day 10: Listen to your food and BLESS it

I have been so behind on my blogging lately! So I am trying to get everything caught up. Life has been so crazy lately and I've not been doing well. Being able to do these videos definitely helps me so much. I'm so grateful for #ilovemybodydiet even if I keep getting super behind on it ;) I hope these videos help others as well. 

Make a list of things you love about you! Do it every day if you have to - #learntoloveyourself
Day 8:

Day 9:  Live in the NOW. Stop focusing and living in the past. Stop being so anxious about the future. Let it go. Focus on living each day at a time. 

Day 10: Learn to love food. Listen to what food is saying to you. Bless it <3

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