Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 11: Cast Away Shame

Hi all! Thanks everyone for your support in this journey. Day 11 is about casting away shame, which is something I think everyone deals with! Shame is something that we cannot hold on to, even though we do. Whatever reasons we may be carrying shame with us, can be done away with. Let go of shame. Don't let past/old emotions control you. We can't move forward by being stuck in the past. 


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 8: Things you love about YOU - Day 9: The Present - Day 10: Listen to your food and BLESS it

I have been so behind on my blogging lately! So I am trying to get everything caught up. Life has been so crazy lately and I've not been doing well. Being able to do these videos definitely helps me so much. I'm so grateful for #ilovemybodydiet even if I keep getting super behind on it ;) I hope these videos help others as well. 

Make a list of things you love about you! Do it every day if you have to - #learntoloveyourself
Day 8:

Day 9:  Live in the NOW. Stop focusing and living in the past. Stop being so anxious about the future. Let it go. Focus on living each day at a time. 

Day 10: Learn to love food. Listen to what food is saying to you. Bless it <3

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Day 7: Ask For Hugs

AH - I immediately froze when I read this exercise. I don't go anywhere or see anyone except my sweet husband. I've been too sick to just go out and do whatever. I'm usually alone all day everyday. So this exercise made me feel like I already failed. I took a moment to think about what I could do to still make it so I could participate in this exercise today - Then it came to me.. And my results were amazing - Such a great experience for me to have today <3 <3

Hug everyone!! #huggingheals


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Day 6: Feel Your Body

Day 6 is a shorter video, finally ;) A good exercise to take my mind out of this world for a minute and just breathe. No matter how hard life gets, take time to relax. Forget what's going on. Close your eyes and dream.


Day 5: I Am Ugly

Today's exercise was not my favorite.. to start out with anyways... I really didn't want to tell myself "I am ugly" since I'm trying to stay positive! BUT - it actually felt good. I love the idea of "owning" a bad thought before releasing it. It is something I've never really thought about until this exercise. 



Day 4: Naked Mirror...

Hey all!

I got a little behind on my videos and blogging. This week I've been super sick so that was the last thing on my mind. I was finally able to get all caught up tonight with 3 more videos.

This first post is about Day 4: Naked Mirror. YIKES, right?! This was an exercise I totally wasn't sure how I would feel about until I did it. After day 4, I realized everyone should probably get naked more and look at themselves in the mirror and say "I AM BEAUTIFUL". Seriously. Everyone needs to do this as often as they can. Naked or not. Learn to love yourself. Keep saying it until you believe it. Words are powerful. Minds are powerful. Create that goodness in your mind and learn to "LET GO" of everything that brings anything less of love and "BE YOU".


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 3: Values for your body

Happy Tuesday, everyone!

So today was a lot more tougher than yesterday and way more emotional that I had hoped for. So bare with me in my videos. This is something that is totally out of my comfort zone and it is so scary for me to do this. But I've had strong promptings that this is something that I need to do so I will continue to keep doing so.

I Love My Body Diet so far has been amazing for me. I've already seen/felt shifts and have had some awesome experiences with it. I can't thank Jennifer Lamprey enough for being so inspiring to everyone around her and dedicating so much of her time to help people heal! I have two different videos today, just because my phone stopped half way through and I didn't want to restart again :)

There has been a lot of emotional processing since I have started this journey, but I am so ready for it and I can't wait to see the changes in my life. I hope everyone can find some kind of hope or faith or inspiration from me doing this <3

Loves to all.

Monday, February 2, 2015

I Love My Body Diet

Hi all.

It's been a VERY long time since I've blogged. I decided to take a "break" from most or all things dealing with Lyme Disease and other illnesses. It was much needed. But now I am back and ready to share with the world my "exposed" journey. This is something that I have felt I should do for a long time, but I just kept letting fear win. I wasn't ready to do this.

On the 9th, I will be going to a new Dr. I've decided that I wasn't getting what I needed at my current Dr. I feel like I've tried everything. I still spend days in bed sick with migraines, head pressure, weakness, all other things. I'm SO ready to get better I can hardly stand it. Through many prayers and priesthood blessings, I feel I am being guided to where I need to be. Slowly, but surely.

I know there are reasons for my trials and with FAITH, I will keep pushing myself to get where I need to be. I will take chances and risks that I was afraid to before to make it possible. I can't even begin to tell everyone the damage that has been done over that last year. Whether it's physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. I've reached points in my life that I thought I'd never come back from.

For the rest of this month, I will be posting a lot. Maybe every day. On the first of this month, I joined what is called the I Love My Body Diet by Jennifer Lamprey. She is one of the most amazing ladies. She is such a gifted woman and a blessing to many.

This is not a diet that deals with food. This is a program that helps everyone to LOVE themselves. To get past fears. To overcome things. Which is what we need in order to HEAL. There are exercises given each day to help change belief patterns and become who we are destined to be.

So, yesterday was the first day of the diet. Today, our exercise is to "Lean into God". So I did the exercise. We were also challenged to do videos of ourselves. This is something I did not plan on doing. Then something told me otherwise. I need to do this. I'm taking huge steps in doing this and not caring whatsoever about what others may think or say. This is something I need to do for me. And while doing so, I hope to inspire all those around me.

I will post my video for everyone to watch - Like I said before, this is something I wasn't going to do because I was terrified. But that is no longer happening. So, here is my video for the day.